Episode 72 – John Stallwood (Nail Brewing)
John Stallwood is the Director and Head Brewer for Nail Brewing in Perth, Western Australia. John’s background in the craft beer world has spanned over 20 years and has built himself a reputation in the industry as not only a high quality and award winning brewer, but also a big supporter and influence of independent craft brewing in Western Australia.
I recently caught up with John at their brewery in Bassendean, Perth for a chat as well as a brew or two. We touched on the origins of the business, his early beginnings in the craft beer world, challenges he’s faced personally and professionally, as well as the future for Nail Brewing. This also includes their recent expansion with Feral Brewing which I got to see first hand and was blown away by the operation they’re running. Certainly bigger than my old home brew kits!
It was only a matter of time that I tracked down a brewer to have on the podcast, and what a great one to start with!
Be sure to ask your local pub or bottle shop for Nail Brewing Beer and spread the word! As a bit of a beer nut myself, John’s brews are top notch and deserve to reach more taste buds across the country!
Show notes
Nail Brewing – Official Website, Facebook, Twitter and Instagram