Episode 52 – 10 Podcasts That You Need To…
Episode 52 is all about the podcasts that I listen to. Here are 10 podcasts that I believe you should at least try once to get a grasp of what different people are doing out in the podcast world. In this episode I run through my 10 selections (in no order) and give my thoughts on each one.
This is for people who are new to podcasts or those who are thinking about starting their own. Hopefully some of these shows will help push you further into this fantastic media platform.
Note: These are not ‘the best’ podcasts out there. These are just picked from my current playlist that I think people should check out. I’ll do another list in 12 months time with a new set. Please also note that I have placed some honourable mentions at the end. They are just as great, but 10 was simply a nice rounded number!
Let me know which shows you listen to, your favourites, the crap ones and any suggested podcasts I should listen to!
Here we go…
1. The Vertical Podcast with JJ Reddick
Listen on iTunes and or via The Vertical Podcast.
2. The Way I Heard It with Mike Rowe
Listen on iTunes and or via The Way I Heard It.
3. The Univi Podcast
Listen on iTunes or via Univi.
4. The Skruins and Co Breakfast Show
Listen on iTunes or via Skruins and Co Breakfast Show.
5. Pod Kembla
Listen on iTunes and via Pod Kembla.
6. The Joe Rogan Experience
Listen on iTunes or via Joe Rogan.
7. The Duncan Trussell Family Hour
Listen on iTunes or via Duncan Trussell.
8. The Tim Ferriss Show
Listen on iTunes or via Tim Ferriss.
9. The Small Business, Big Marketing Show
Listen on iTunes or via Small Business, Big Marketing.
10. WTF with Marc Maron
Listen on iTunes or via WTF with Marc Maron.
Honourable Mentions
The Key of Solomon Podcast on iTunes and Main Website.
Claim the Throne Bodgecast on iTunes and Main Website.
Damn Interesting on iTunes and Main Website.
Dan Carlin’s Hardcore History on iTunes and Main Website.
Henry & Heidi on iTunes and Henry Rollins Website.