Episode 4 – The Night I Didn’t Meet John…
Feel the heartbreak in my voice as I give a blow by blow description of the night I didn’t get to meet my all-time favourite vocalist.
It has everything. A beginning, middle and even an end.
I recorded this episode on my iPhone headphones whilst driving down to Wollongong for a LORD rehearsal. Yes, the quality isn’t crash hot but it came out a lot better than what I thought. Due to the ease of it, I may use this method for some shorter episodes when I’m out on the road and think of something amusing to talk about.
Show Notes
No real notes today, however in the event that there is someone out there who doesn’t not know or ‘get’ John Farnham (shame on you), I have included the following visuals for you to absorb. The man is a god.
Shameless – Purchase Farnsy music straight from Amazon that not only supports the artist but this podcast!