Episode 35 – Sinclair Newey (Double Lung Transplant Recipient)
Late 2013 saw Sinclair go through the most challenging part of his life, which began an urgent journey towards becoming a Double Lung Transplant Recipient. After being admitted to hospital for haemoptysis, he was rushed to ICU where he came extremely close to losing his life. In fact, things were so bad that Sinclair was ready to go himself.
Sinclair ended up being the recipient of a double lung transplant and in the process was placed into a coma that lasted for almost a month.
I’ll let Sinclair explain it all as he will do far better justice than me. I was lucky to more or less start my career as a musician with Sinclair in his Progressive/Power metal band Sedition over 10 years ago and it was great to catch up after many years.
If there’s any message I hope you take from this episode is that you help bring further awareness to organ and tissue donation. Check out the links below and discuss this topic with your family and close friends. Your generosity once you go will have a dramatic impact on many people, just like Sinclair.
Show Notes
Charity Ride Link – Cycle of Giving
Donate Life
Sedition Website and Webstore
Check out the Sedition song ‘Do You Believe’ here.
Organ and Tissue Authority – Facts and Statistics
Prince Charles, Princess Alexander and Mater Hospitals in Brisbane
Interesting article – Australian-first double lung transplant using damaged lungs saves Sydney Man’s Life
What is an EMCO? Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation