Episode 24 – Month to Month with Milton Mendonça…
On the back of the success from our previous podcast episode (listen here), I have decided to do a monthly check in episode with Milton Mendonca to talk about all things music industry and whatever else we feel like chatting about!
In this particular episode, Milton runs through his do’s and don’t’s of being in a band from a promoter/booking agent perspective. Lots of great insight and takeaways for all musicians out there who are trying to get recognised and seize opportunities.
In addition, we will have a regular ‘crazy people’ segment, plug some hard working independent bands and also touch on any ProgPower USA updates, when applicable!
Hope you enjoy this and please reach out to both Milton and I as we will be looking for topics to discuss in the months to come!
Show Notes
Infinity Concerts Official Website and Facebook.
ProgPower USA Official Website, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube , Vimeo, Pinterest, Flickr and forums.
Bands mentioned: Next to None, Ghost Ship Octavius.
Independent band plugs: Dissona and Taberah.
Buy tickets for Day 1 and 2 of ProgPower USA HERE.