Episode 11 – Steven Ryan (Mortgage Broker & Interstellar…
This episode features long time friend Steven Ryan. Originally I met Steven through the local Sydney music scene where he was extremely active with his webzine (Pyromusic), distro label, band photography and helping put on shows. Many years have passed since then and Steven has taken a different road, venturing into the property market and is now taking on a career as a mortgage broker.
This is a really cool chat where we discuss a whole range of topics, with a real focus on self development. Hope you get something out of it and be sure to make contact with Steven should you want any advice or assistance in the property market!
Show Notes
Find Steven on Twitter.
Check out Interstellar Finance.
Vipassana Meditation Centre – The retreat that Steven attended.
Check out Sam Harris.
What are the benefits of meditation?
Check out John Safran trying out Zen Buddhism (Ignore the stupid title)
Book recommendation – Mindfulness for Life by Dr Stephen McKenzie and Dr Craig Hassed
Check out the Headspace Meditation App. Perfect for beginners of meditation!
Tim Ferriss Podcast – Highly recommended!
Check out the News Feed Eradicator for Facebook (Google Chrome Compatible)
Keynote speaker, Corporate Trainer, Business and Life Coach, Guy Newman.
Who’s Brian Tracy?
Book recommendation – The ONE Thing by Gary Keller and Jay Papasan. Highly recommended.
Book recommendation – The Strangest Secret by Earl Nightingale
Learn more about Robert Kiyosaki.
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