Episode 80 – Ratschitte Industries
Ratschitte Industries are one of those Startup Ventures that I simply could not ignore. Whilst I’m not really one for promoting a product or service on The Andy Social Podcast, I was extremely impressed and inspired by the hard work that both Toemas and Gerdan have been investing themselves into their three projects, The Roll Reverser, Knob to Handle and their current product, The Fadget Spanner.
Like any Entrepreneurial Startup, Ratschitte Industries have had their challenges cutting through the noise to get attention in the public domain, however with a number of yet-to-be-announced products in the pipeline and the current buzz around The Fadget Spanner, the future looks bright for both Toemas and Gerdan.
I recently caught up with the guys at their workshop in Melbourne (which appears to be really establishing itself as the Silicon Valley of the Asia/Pacific Region) to chat about their beginnings, inspiration behind their passion for their business and what the future holds for their venture.
Someday down the track I would personally love to be a Startup Investor and with people like Toemas and Gerdan doing incredible things with Ratschitte Industries, I can’t wait to do my part to help great minds change the world for the better.
Show notes
Pledge to Ratschitte Industries’ latest crowd funding Kickstarter project, The Fadget Spanner.
Ratschitte Industries – Facebook | YouTube |