279 – Tom Roberts (Podcaster and Musician living with…
Tom Roberts is a podcaster, radio host, musician, gig booker and wheelchair mosher.
At the age of 14, Tom was diagnosed with Freidrech’s Ataxia. Often referred to as FA or FRDA, Freidrech’s Ataxia is an autosomal-recessive genetic disease that causes difficulty walking, a loss of sensation in the arms and legs, and impaired speech that worsens over time. Tom has lived with the FA for well over half his life and has beat many predictions and averages often stated by experts with regard to the condition.
This is Tom’s story and we didn’t even scrape the surface. Inspiring stuff. Make sure you reach out to Tom and say hi, check out his Anti Prophet project and his upcoming podcast called The Before it Was Cool Podcast.
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Listen to Tom’s music, Anti Prophet via Bandcamp
Listen to Tom’s podcast, The Before it Was Cool Podcast via Facebook | Podbean |
Learn more about Freidrech’s Ataxia HERE
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Artwork by Tristan Tait Illustrations